Chapter One

“Ash gave them many treasures.
Some burned the treasures for more ashes,
Some kept the ashes for more treasures.”

Welcome to the first Ash drop, Carbon.
Carbon is made for the Ash community.
Carbon only accepts $ASH. #weacceptash

Carbon tokens are high tier burn enabled immediately.


#1: Three Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Five Burned Cubes

Edition of 1

Burned Cubes

Highest bidder wins

#2-1000: Carbon

Edition of 999


Each bidder of #1 receives an edition.
Half of the rest (max) will go on sale for 600 $ASH.
The remainder is distributed* to the community.

* 100 to $ASH holders in the snapshot with more than 55 $ASH (random)
* 100 to Eternal Supporters (Devs, Mods, Vanguards)
* 100 to first 100 members of the Discord community
* X to all collectors in the snapshot who burned a Pak other than "A Cube"
* The rest to Page and Fomo holders at the time of the distribution (random)
